
The Partyland Restaurant


7 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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The Partyland Restaurant Location

MacArthur Highway Km 69, San Fernando, Luzon 2000 Philippines

The Partyland Restaurant is located at MacArthur Highway Km 69, San Fernando, Luzon 2000 Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Kidapawan City.The average price range at The Partyland Restaurant is around ₱ 400 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.The Partyland Restaurant is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kidapawan City area. There are different kinds of food in The Partyland Restaurant that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +63 45 961 4866.

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The Partyland Restaurant Reviews


7 Reviews

  • Y Emre Aksoy


    Good place to beverage, has bar snacks obtainable such as chicken wings and jalapeño cheese dips etc but it's more related to drinking and live life music/comedy. The humor is in Filipino therefore limited for tourists however the songs is usually in English and the band which were onwhen I visited had been excellent, two lead singers one feminine one male and a good band singing rock songs. There exists a function hall designed for events and 3 or 4 pool tables if your into that, additionally, there are areas available with karaoke machines for private events.

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  • özkan Neşeli


    The service has deteriorated.Attended wedding ceremony the waiters tend to be more concerned about what is to still left for their collect. The buffet OMG not really worth the total amount paid. Never again!

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  • Ahmet Karataş


    Partyplace was previously the very best establishment for Live songs, clubbing, bar, put simply, the nightlife for the hippies. It has plenty of alcoholic beverages to pick from. I've tasted beers right here from different nations. It used to carry concerts for well-known musicians,Showbiz artists, operate comedians and the very best bands in city, not as regular as before. Saturday gigs are usually always the very best. It used to possess live entertainment daily however, not now. What actually happened? it provides deteriorated. It lacks appeal today where it utilized to draw plenty of crowd from 5pm after workplace onwards before wee hrs of the morning. Individuals celebrate here their particular days, occasions, events. Have fun with billiards, darts and perform KTV. It is the party spot to defeat! But its even more spacious this time around and can support more folks. There are more folks now throughout the day compared to the night for individuals who want to eat lunch time, merienda or early supper buffet at a cheaper cost of php250+ per person. People could have changed choices on nightlife but Celebration PLACE must cope up with the tendency to attract once again more people and recreate its glory.

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  • Orhan Erol


    We visited this location and it was simply currently that I must say i appreciate the atmosphere, the meals and everything they are able to offer such as for example clubbing and fitness center. We enjoy our meals with free of charge refreshing halo halo at a cheaper cost.

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  • Priscilla Susilo


    This was among the buffet restaurants our Pampanga-based friend was raving about unfortunately it had been a bit disappointing. Drink and food selection was several and its own nothing special concerning the flavor that would cause you to go back. The place is large though and thereis a location for live bands, our friend says it really is jam packed during the night. Furthermore the toilets aren't maintained nicely - it had been foul smelling and dirty over lunch also to think there wasn't significantly customers.

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