
The Farm Organics


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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The Farm Organics Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Mio Mio


    We were several 4, and we simply tried the salad, carbonara, steak (maybe just 6-8 small items) and a burger, all split into 4. Suggestion: Don't share, or instead order more meals if there's a lot more than 2 of you. While we liked thefood, the helping portions were simply for an individual diner. Good only when you're all going on a diet or not really too hungry. In any case, the lesson isn't to become dividing into 4, ha ha. Of the 4 meals we ordered, I enjoyed the carbonara most since it didn't taste and appearance pretentious. We also purchased 2 tubs of ice cream, chocolates and salted caramel, both great but nothing amazing. If there's anything I'll eat here once again, it will be the carbonara only. Probably I'll try other meals, too. Following this, we walked for approximately one hour around Rockwell after that went to classic VIa Mare, and ordered Dinuguan, chicken arrozcaldo, puto bumbong and bibinka. Certainly we were still starving. To be fair, probably it would have already been better if we each and every ordered our individual appetizer and mains.

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  • Doris C


    Service was 5/5 Taste 4/5 Food quality 3/5 Price 4/5 Our second time and energy to dine here so obviously we’re satisfied. First-time to order the Steak it had been 3/5 The taste and tenderness is good However the cut was lousy way too many veins?We dunno nevertheless, you can tell it may be better. Won’t function as last period I’ll dine there

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  • Miguel Sarmiento Gabionza


    There are often so many diners as of this restaurant so we gave it a go last weekend. The waitress suggested the NATURAL AND ORGANIC Baby Back Ribs, that have been thankfully obtainable in two dimensions. The meat was quite tender and fell off the bone the momentwe divided the ribs. The Kesong Puti Caprese salad had been also good making use of their Strawberry Vinaigrette dressing, that was sweetness minus the guilt. Farm Organics will get many of its elements from a natural farm in Masbate, which is the first certified natural farm in the Philippines. The restaurant’s support was fast (we obtained our orders within ten minutes or much less) and the meals is reasonably priced.

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  • Chloé


    nice decor and character inspired create ,food are good ,selection of dishes ,food high quality is ok ,therefore i guess more hard work to be achieved on that side ,perhaps a good chef or even more popular meals that just basic healthy .my children had some commentsso we couldn't return back again.all the best and desire to visit again

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  • Lmatugas7


    we ordered mushroom truffled pasta, farmer's burger, ny steak. the meals quality was great! rice and vegetables work on the side alongside the steak. ordered a big size pasta for posting. the area is neat and clear. need to enhance the service, itwas challenging to call the eye of the server to obtain our order.

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The Farm Organics Location

P1 Dr. Cor Strella St. Power Plant Mall, Rockwell, Makati, Luzon 1210 Philippines

The Farm Organics is located at P1 Dr. Cor Strella St. Power Plant Mall, Rockwell, Makati, Luzon 1210 Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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