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Ramen Nagi


1 Reviews




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  • Maria Leah Dela Rosa Tapawan


    Among all the ramen places we visited, this one is well known. You can select a number of ramen types and variants. You can even cutimize your ramen with regards to spicyness, kind of pork part (tummy or shoulder), the quantity of taste, thesoftness of noodles, the quantity of garlic and substantially more. We usually purchase additional cabbage for a wholesome ramen. Additionally, there are other Japanese food like salads, gyoza, rice along with other japanese meal. The drinks available are: softdrinks, juices, water in bottles and beers including a japanese brand name beer. For those who have a toddler or small kids, high chairs could be requested upon availabity. Additionally, there are small plastic material utensils for kids and disposable bibs. Seating could be alittle crowded but if you're for the food you'll not mind. Gleam ramp to move up the establisg\hment in the event there exists a companion on a wheelchair or you've got a child in stroller. Assistance crew is attentive and helping is fast. I would recommend this place in case you are craving for Ramen. Itadakimasu!

Ramen Nagi Location

Ramen Nagi is located at Eastwood Citywalk-1, Quezon City, Luzon 1110 Philippines. This is a Japanese restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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