
Ramen Kuroda


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Ramen Kuroda Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Arra


    Very nice location. It was not really cramped and crowded. They will have sufficient manpower in the cafe to promptly focus on our needs. Nevertheless, since just 3 tables had been occupied when I visited, a few of the employees had an excessive amount of free time that people could heartheir chitchats while waiting around on tables. The ramen has been alright. The broth was wealthy and the noodles had been firm. I came across the slabs of meats a bit small. It had been a steal though, contemplating its price. It's best for those who would like a legit ramen while on a spending budget.

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  • Robby Steven


    I visited the SM Fairview branch for past due dinner. We'd the Shiro and Kuro Ramen. Gyoza privately. Service has been prompt and food arrived in less than ten minutes. Place was clear and personnel was polite. The food nevertheless tasted likeit was prepared really fast/rapidly. The egg appeared as if it turned out prepared hrs before. The broth wasn't new tasting. This might become because we ate around closing period. Nevertheless, it had been a bit disappointing. Taste was regular but I didn't sense bad since it was affordable! It'll tackle a ramen craving but I wouldn't state I'd return back again and once again to this place. If this review assists, please i want to know by clicking the below :)

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  • Tika NA


    I’ve been a ramen fan for a long time right now because of my husband. I really like the taste however the price is as well stiff. This is actually the first-time I ate an inexpensive ramen with great flavor. My only concern may be the lettuce of the kani saladhas bitterness. Total, ambiance, staff, cost and flavor will be 4.5 star for me personally.

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  • Stephany Esther


    It was previously the common Filipino’s quick repast or even snack, also it was simply called “mami” in the past. But that has been then. Now that numerous famous Japanese ramen homes - a few of which are usually upscale as well - have setup shop inthe country, costs have started to skyrocket aswell. It’s therefore just like a small miracle that Ramen Kuroda offers managed to function its flavorful ramen at like affordable prices. Not merely is the broth/soup wealthy and delectable, the noodles may also be smooth and slurp-worthy. Ramen Kuroda provides branches around Metro Manila so that it should be no problem finding one near you.

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  • Greta Aprilia Ali


    We ordered the Kuro Chashumen. The noodles were Okay. The soup is approximately typical. Seasoned with sesame seeds and natural onions. The tea offered with it's very good. Nothing wonderful however, not bad either. Support is attentive and fast. Kuro Ramen is 180 whileKuro Chasumen is 230. Difference is extra roast pork slices. I visited the main one located at Television5 at Reliance St., Mandaluyong City.

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Ramen Kuroda Location

Ramen Kuroda 221-222 3F Cyber & Fashion Mall One Plaza,, Quezon City, Luzon 1110 Philippines

Ramen Kuroda is located at Ramen Kuroda 221-222 3F Cyber & Fashion Mall One Plaza,, Quezon City, Luzon 1110 Philippines. This is a Japanese restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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