


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Popeyes Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Happy S


    We was excited to use this place out there since i have love fried chicken. Family members and I experienced a past due snack and wanted to get them to Popeyes. They didn't desire to go but visitors had not been as bad and were able to convince them to proceed.Got there around 830pm. Location was half loaded. Ordered my chicken. These were out of fries. No explanation whatsoever nor care and attention to apologize about any of it. So I was presented with lots waited for my quantity to be approached the cashier after 30mins. No food still. 45mins I was informed that somebody forgot to purchase our food. 930ish my children stood up, this is a school day time. I appeared for the supervisor and had not been apologetic at all. I acquired upset and requested for my refund rather. Supervisor smiled like he didn't treatment which produced me angrier. I questioned for his title but he didn't provide it. He had been chubby, dark, sweaty and unclean looking. I will never recommend this spot to anyone.

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  • Dhivya


    the long lines have died... time to flavor the hype. poultry was okay, rice wasn't good,mashed potatoes and fries are simply typical... what stood out has been the crab soup. it had been worthwhile for ₱50! just put in a little milk/cream also it can contend w/the lobster bisque of plush restos.

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  • Prischila


    We was fortunate to use this new junk food shop. It served the most common menu specifically when it had been still operating a couple of years back again. What I liked has been the selection on the menus. But what I didn't like will be that I came across the chickenquite salty. Claim that they evaluation the combination of the breading mix.

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  • Meghna Jhawar


    great taste for poultry among the best flavor ,shrimp sandwich is great ,fish sandwich is okay ,chicken had not been available ,dessert breads(honey biscuit) is fresh taste tiny bit salty ,tender poultry is tiny bit oily such as butter or ghee .good they open inside galleria,

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  • Bilal Ibnu Umar


    The lines were very long but we have there been early so that it wasn't too poor. We purchased a bucket of poultry, spaghetti and biscuits. The poultry parts were the proper size. We loved the spicy edition, it had only a hint of warmth ideal with rice.The chicken was really juicy, but flavor smart I'd say it's much like additional brands. The biscuits were warm and fluffy and melted in my own mouth. You can choose to eat with gravy or honey or alone. You can find other flavor variants, however the initial one is the better. Simply visit when lines aren't too much time to enjoy the knowledge more. Best for families and group foods.

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Popeyes Location

9 E.Rodriguez Jr. Ave Arcovia City Bgy Ugong, Pasig, Luzon Philippines

Popeyes is located at 9 E.Rodriguez Jr. Ave Arcovia City Bgy Ugong, Pasig, Luzon Philippines. This is a Fast food restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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