
Pho Bac


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Pho Bac Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Mona Cayanan


    Foods are usually brilliantly authentic. If you would like changes on the spices usually do not hesitate to inform the meiser.

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  • MikeeNaz


    Did the soup and sandwich with this outing. Didn't possess all of the herbs and veggies you'd find within an in-country eating place, but did very good anyway. Furthermore, they didn't possess all of the ingredients to get ready my favorite dishes plus they tried to describe that therewasn't to very much demand some dishes of this type. Anyhow; good authentic meals at good costs, with excellent service.

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  • Kevin Sy


    Last July 3, 2016 from then on relaxing massage I acquired hungry and I shop around inside the Robinson Galeria for location I could satisfy my palate and I did so seen quite a few restaurant but nearly all it is either complete because its sunday and its own a familyday various other is really a common restaurant you will find so determined to look around even more and I come across this vietnamese restaurant and considered to myself why not check it out. The inside of the restaurant is little with a capacity of pretty much 30 customers, No WiFi connection. There is also separate room in a position to accommodate large groupings I assume for meetings or little gathering with a cup door partition. You can find 6 or 7 tables at the primary hall of the eating place. The tables and chair is painted with whitened and each desk can accommodate to around 4 individual. 2 tables provides couches on the proper hand aspect of the restaurant however the entire location is great and the lighting isn't so bright rather than crowded the kitchen can be open so that you can actually observe how your order has been cooked as well. Pho bac work authentic vietnamese cusine which most there menu acts noodle soup which needless to say is just right because the title of the cafe is Pho and in vietnamese "Pho" believe to become a beef and veggie stew. If you consume in this eating place it best to purchase and try there top selling beef stew Pho Bo Koh (Beef Stew Noodles) for Php 255 and there Pho Bo Va Bo Vien (Beef with beef Balls Noodles) for Php 220. Furthermore what I notuce they offer large helping for noodle soup bowl which actually satsified your food cravings but since I'm in solo setting I did nkt purchase for a oodle soup and I settled for a vietnamese sandwich. I actually ordered for Bhan Mi or even Poultry with lemon grass for Php170. The sandwhich I assume is good to consume while its hot since when its get chilly the bread have a tendency to obtain stale and I didn't taste the chicken therefore well. I feel little bit dissapointed and didn't liked what I've ordered and considered to myself that my knowledge might have been way method better easily tried for right now there noodle stew. I cannot recommend the sandwiches though but also for what I observed in some of the clients that day, they're pretty much content with complementing sweating with the noodle stew they order since it is serve therefore hot and what much better way to eat a soup, needless to say when its smoking warm. Maybe the next time I go to this place I'll test there beef stew and encountered it mysef the sweat of fulfillment of there comforting foods they serve.

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  • Clarence Chua


    The area is bare but their food was great. We loved all the foods we ordered. We shall certainly keep coming back if we actually maintain the area.

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  • Gellie Ortilla


    We usually see this restaurant nonetheless it was our first-time to try it. We were actually suprise that it in fact serve an extremely good food. Our girl also appreciated their avocado shake. The purchase price is reasonable. We are back. 😊

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Pho Bac Location

Padre Faura Corner M. Adriatico Streets Ermita, Manila, Luzon Philippines

Pho Bac is located at Padre Faura Corner M. Adriatico Streets Ermita, Manila, Luzon Philippines. This is a Soups restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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