
Panda Express


7 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Panda Express Reviews


7 Reviews

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  • Rama Pradhana Meliala


    It's here! Panda Show, the Chinese cafe that became well-known in the USA is currently in Manila. The initial branch is here now in Megamall CREATING A in Ortigas. Since that is brand-new and everybody will be craving about any of it the range is long, After all reallyloooong. You need to expect around 1-1/2 hrs of standing in series to access the ordering counter. The food taste is equivalent to that of the American branches. The menus include needless to say the famous orange poultry, chinese fired rice, broccoli beef, chow mein, grilled chicken, beef, amongst others. Nevertheless, no walnut shrimp right here for now. Drinks are usually sodas, coke, coke zero, canned juices, water. Gleam free iced drinking water dispenser in the centre if you don't desire to order any beverage. Just require a cup at the counter. Staff are usually friendly and considerate. Encounter: I forgot to get a soda after I've currently paid and had used a chair. I approached the counter I requested easily can just purchase a soda without needing to que in the long collection and she i want to do that that i really appreciated. The remove line is equivalent to the dine-in line. Nevertheless, they sometimes contact out those who could have take outs before others in the range. Overall, the meals is fantastic but prepare to stand inside line in case you are craving for the flavor. This will most likely happen in a couple of months since this can be a relatively new foods hype. Give it even more weeks and a couple even more branches and the series will certainly be shorter. Enjoy!

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  • Syamsu Putra Nur


    Has a very long queue probably due to the hype. Very inexpensive considering the quantity of serving you'll get, and surprisingly it really is flavorful. Sarap!

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  • Nurul Rachmawati


    Just tried due to the hype. Long queue for the present time, probably because it's fresh but I have no idea just how long this hype would final. We've tried the popular orange poultry, savory shrimp, asian grilled poultry, broccoli beef, and string bean chicken white meat for the entree.Chow mein, mixed veggies, and fried rice for the medial side meals. Though the the meals tastes good, there's really nothing unique in the menu.

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  • Yovita Chrismira


    Want to have this eating place chain inside Philippines now, reminds me personally of my US outings. Menu has good foods options and serving choices. Price points have become reasonable and customer support is great

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  • C P Coulter


    Taste is average choose the price helps make this worthwhile. For 3 entires and a aspect for php 295. This order can currently make to people complete.

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Panda Express Location

Upper Ground Floor, SM Megamall A, Ortigas Dona Julia Vargas Avenue, Mandaluyong, Luzon 1555 Philippines

Panda Express is located at Upper Ground Floor, SM Megamall A, Ortigas Dona Julia Vargas Avenue, Mandaluyong, Luzon 1555 Philippines. This is a Chinese Food restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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