
Metro Gourmet


6 Reviews



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Metro Gourmet Location

Basement 1, Metro Ayala, Cebu City 6000 Philippines

Metro Gourmet is located at Basement 1, Metro Ayala, Cebu City 6000 Philippines. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Kidapawan City.The average price range at Metro Gourmet is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Metro Gourmet is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kidapawan City area. There are different kinds of food in Metro Gourmet that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Metro Gourmet Reviews


6 Reviews

  • Irene Chan


    This place is really a deli counter in addition to a cafe. This is a small noisy as it reaches the entrance-exit of the Metro supermarket. Cool cuts and cheeses can be purchased along with other cooked meals. I had an extremely tasty conventional mealcalled "Pork and Poultry Adobo" a dish offered in heavy gravy with rice.We also had a good fresh salad to go along with it. The service because of this type of cafe really was good and the employees were friendly. Most importantly the meals was simply tasty and incredibly reasonably priced. Strongly suggested.

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  • Chubby Foodie 💓


    Take my suggest and head to Metro Gourmet in order to taste the best Poultry Pork Adobo within the Philippines! Delicious! Will certainly come back once again to consume my favorite meal.

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  • Sheylin Lee


    This is situated beyond your Metro supermarket in Ayala Center. I came across this location when I sought out desserts after dinner. Fortunately, they will have salads and cakes apart from the common foods they serve. Fast program is also evident, in addition to the reasonable price oftheir foods. =)

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  • AppleCrumble


    I never idea it would be probable to join what "Gourmet" & "AFFORDABLE" in one expression, but at Metro Gourmet it had been like the best union. Nice spot to "Eat and Move" if you need to take a quick split from your own shoppingspree. Situated at the Metro Supermarket, Ayala Middle basement, this dining place could be tiny in dimension but it certain packs a mean punch with regards to food selection, place, service & most of all, high quality. Have a look at their budget foods (rice & cold beverages included), they are really delightful and filling. Missed the opportunity to sample their irresistible desserts & cakes though as had been pretty quickly. But I vow to use them the next time.Two thumbs up!

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  • Dheevanadea Ishar


    Edit: Welp, I assume we'll end up being expecting a fresh Metro Gourmet if they rebuild Metro Gaisano Ayala. We loved the ambiance of the older Metro Gourmet cafe, when it had been situated in a secret-ish part of Basemnet 1 Metro Ayala. The meals is good. Ihave several favourite from their rice foods and panini sandwiches. Eversince they used in where the grocery degree it just shed it's touch to be a quaint cafe. But a lot of the meals is still exactly the same. If you do't brain consuming infront of all grocery shoppers then give it a try.

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