
Mann Hann


5 Reviews



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Mann Hann Reviews


5 Reviews

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  • Gayriresmi


    My past appointments to the various Mann Hann branches in no way disappointed me. They will have always been in keeping with their taste and high quality.

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  • Yusuf


    This Chinese restaurant is situated at the BGC Stopover. There are many dishes to select though their menus is merely printed in a dark brown document. We tried their clean lumpia which is tasty and the Maki. Maki is really a soup that's for sharing for3-4 person. Food is really a bit bland if you may adjust it with the soy and chili privately. Ambiance is great with courteous employees. Will attempt other dishes the next time

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  • Novita 5r


    We were taken there purchase our grandmother as a delicacy. We attained 8 pm and all seemed great. After ordering our meals the services went downhill extremely fast. The meals were presented from your kitchen at at frantic speed. Then abruptly 30 minsinto seated the staff started clearing up all around us. The condiments were taken out and man started practically mopping all around us. The personnel had been rude and grumpy whenever we asked for our foods to end up being packaged up so we're able to leave. The hostesses actually stood complaining loudly for all of us to see and listen to. The meals was bland no dish actually tasted different to any.Furthermore, their calamansi juice and lemonade tasted like cleaning up liquid. Many of the laundry we asked to become packaged were missing whenever we brought it house for my grandmother. I've never been therefore badly dealt with in a restaurant in my own life. They ought to have informed us at the entranceway that 8 pm had been too late ahead eat should they were in that rush to near. Awful place, bleh meals and terrible service.

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  • Iremkuraak


    ordered lots of stuff which includes beef brocoli and fried noodles everything we ordered has been good. just like you cant order anything poor. service is also excellent and very fast location is quite nice ill be back again for sure.

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  • Erkin Keskin


    They used to serve straight-up Cantonese food nonetheless it somehow changed if they revamped their image + menu. Now it is a hit and skip hence we stick to our favorites: refreshing lumpia, hototay soup and cha bihon. A fortunate note with Mann Hann will be theirfood is customizable appropriately: no seaweed in lumpia, boil egg in soup, much less salt on bihon, etc, etc. Was previously they provide unlimited iced tea that they removed, as well.

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Mann Hann Location

31st Street Corner 2nd Avenue BGC Stopover Pavilion, Taguig City, Luzon 1634 Philippines

Mann Hann is located at 31st Street Corner 2nd Avenue BGC Stopover Pavilion, Taguig City, Luzon 1634 Philippines. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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