
Las Paellas


4 Reviews



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Las Paellas Location

2nd Floor, SM City North EDSA Annex Corner EDSA and North Avenue, Quezon City, Luzon Philippines

Las Paellas is located at 2nd Floor, SM City North EDSA Annex Corner EDSA and North Avenue, Quezon City, Luzon Philippines. This is a Spanish restaurant near the Kidapawan City.The average price range at Las Paellas is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Las Paellas is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kidapawan City area. There are different kinds of food in Las Paellas that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +63 927 934 8060.

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Las Paellas Reviews


4 Reviews

  • Krizia Capanzana


    Even though the area is really a small outlet within this mall. Don't be decisive because if your craving for a spanish foods fix. It is a location to go. The purchase price is merely right. The serving will do. The meals delicious. The menus isextensive. For an basic level resto that offerscspanish themed dinner. I won't hesistate to return and back and again.

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  • Janiz Paleracio


    I forgot when We went there. I tasted generally there paella to review it to my recipe which comes from among the sister's of our NATIONAL HERO JOSE RIZAL.... today how the hell achieved it reached me?????!!!! MY father lived inside laguna. Their residence wasused by japan soldiers forcefully through the japanese period, about 1952, world battle II. They where pressured to cover in the woods and dig underground to cover up. he had been 15 y/o in those days......in any case my ancestors where near freinds with the RIZAL Loved ones THROUGH THE SPANIARD'S TIME. We gave it to my neighbors who would go to spain merely to taste the real paella, last December 2013. I prepared it for them given that they head to cafe alba, las PAELLAS, etc., TOO. They explained "YOUR PAELLA IS PREFERABLE TO SPAIN". So now, they're planning a paella celebration with your wine reccomended if you ask me by the Accord golf club in sofitel.....soooo I've no choice.....work, household,cooking and meals trippng...all in a single.

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  • Dontjumpbrey


    We ordered pasta and paella valenciana. Pasta will be good. after one hour of looking forward to the paella we made a decision to cancel it. we discovered that the order had not been prepared at all.

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  • Eloisa Lazaro


    I had an opportunity to eat in this cafe located at the newly-constructed SM North Towers. For a Friday evening dinner, I purchased a Thai Bagoong Rice. This dinner that is best for two (2) people is really a “sautéed bagoong and garlic rice topped withsweet asado pork and offered with natural mango strips, scrambles egg and chili peppers.” A nice food for the night.

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