
Kuya J's Restaurant


8 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Kuya J's Restaurant Reviews


8 Reviews

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  • Giannina Go


    This was the next time we ate in this restaurant that is in the SM Hypermarket , before Tiendesitas. This time nevertheless the foods was disappointing. We purchased the Tagalog Bulalo, the Adobong Kangkong , and the fried chicken. The tastes were notquite correct and we didn't enjoy the food.

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  • Ronald Suriben


    This Filipino restaurant is situated in several places within MetroManila. We attempted the main one at the Prominade in Greenhills for lunch time which just opened couple of months ago. The menus offered a wide collection of Filipino meals. We purchased kare-kare bagnet with bagoong (399 pesos), sizzlingpork sisig with egg (190 pesos) and ampalaya con carne (190 pesos), amongst others. Although kare-kare serving was instead small and was included with only three little chuncks of bagnet and several vegetables, food was usually tasty and tasty. We furthermore liked their leche flan and turon (which emerged in three parts). It could worth to use their crispy pata following visit as much customers around us purchased that. Eating place is quiet and contains good ambience. Program is average. Costs are quite high.

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  • Iwie Cruz


    Shrimp dishes and desserts are great esp their newest and worthwhile halo halo (zero exaggeration, I'm weighing this review in line with the taste and its cost, cos some may say - maybe We haven't tried those costly delish dishes yet in other restaus,I've.) I rarely order normal Filipino meals but I'm confident they're great as well! No disappointment at all. Check it out yourself :)

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  • Jane Limkin-Villegas


    Service was good, however the kare-kare had not been. The kare-kare they offered us came after 40 minutes of waiting, that is ok. The issue was the kare-kare has been premade. It experienced crust that shaped on the bowl, it appeared the sauce have been seated inthat bowl for some time. The beef was chilly inside, and dry. The complete bowl was area temprature and the sauce had been only slightly hot. Considering you pay 400 pesos and wait 40mins. Its expected the meals is going to turn out hot and fresh. Of low quality kare- kare won't eat here again. Wouldn't normally recomend the restaurant, much better eateries around cubao, with a similiar menus and similar price.

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  • Supergab


    Been to various branches and in every situations left extremely underwhelmed. Upon entering it really is well lit and decorated. Seats are comfortable, you can find tables for intimate and huge groupings. A closed off area is wonderful for private celebrations or family gatherings. Assistance is good.The meals? It's bad. First-time we went here for dessert. The espresso flan has been meh. For the purchase price, it had been small and seriously without flavor (bland). After that we thought - hey, probably dessert isn't their strongest suit. Therefore we made a decision to have lunch time and try their additional meals. Tuna Mangga Salad - dressing is Incredibly sweet! Significantly one-dimensional taste. The mango strips had been sparse and in addition bland. The tuna? Certainly older tuna fried until it dropped all taste and became hard in texture. I acquired two bites and may not continue any more, it had been that bad. Caldereta - meats was almost Too soft. The sauce congealed rapidly and lacked in tomato sauce taste (although liver flavor was solid). Carrots were under prepared as well. The thing that tasted great in the dish had been the potato. The eyeglasses were streaky/ unclean and the drinking water had a negative taste as well. Another point Let me make is I'm uncertain what sort of theme this eating place is targeting - the design of these place and the meals are not cohesive. It really is lacking a 'story' in the event that you will. It looks like a hodge podge of concepts gone bad. All could possibly be forgiven if the meals was good, nonetheless it can't still redeem themselves for the reason that department.

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Kuya J's Restaurant Location

Eulogio Rodriguez Jr. Ave. cor. Dona Julia Vargas Ave SM Center Pasig, Pasig, Luzon 1604 Philippines

Kuya J's Restaurant is located at Eulogio Rodriguez Jr. Ave. cor. Dona Julia Vargas Ave SM Center Pasig, Pasig, Luzon 1604 Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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