
Kaishu-Sushi-Noodles Express


5 Reviews


₱ 150 / Person

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Kaishu-Sushi-Noodles Express Location

NAIA Terminal 3 3rd Level Pre-Departure Area, South-Wing, Pasay, Luzon Philippines

Kaishu-Sushi-Noodles Express is located at NAIA Terminal 3 3rd Level Pre-Departure Area, South-Wing, Pasay, Luzon Philippines. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Kidapawan City.The average price range at Kaishu-Sushi-Noodles Express is around ₱ 150 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Kaishu-Sushi-Noodles Express is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kidapawan City area. There are different kinds of food in Kaishu-Sushi-Noodles Express that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Kaishu-Sushi-Noodles Express Reviews


5 Reviews

  • Bakingcelsius


    staff are actually friendly and accomodating. though it says Japanese eating place, they also served little bit of filipino and chinese foods. i really like their congee and ramen, must try. it really is quiet as a result you can relax while looking forward to your trip since itis in the significantly corner of level 4. they will have a smoking area therefore its nice to learn. just be ready together with your money, been there two times (departure and arrival) both periods credit card machine isn't working.

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  • Steven Santoso Liang


    A rating of 2 is possibly slightly misleading for the reason that the meals was edible rather than bad considering you're at NAIA. The majority of the additional options are rubbish which one isn't. However I think something charge when you purchase at thecounter, pay out at the counter, gather your meal at the counter and no-one collects your tray or anyone else's for at the very least 30 mins isn't being fully sincere. Some people would state its deceitful. If you want to make even more on the foodstuffs charge more and allow buyer make the best decision.

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  • Yemek Yemek


    When requested for the receipt of the costs, the cashier provide me an annoyed look telling that they can pass me afterwards. Gee..have We ask the incorrect question? Then later if they served me the meals, the waitress toss the receipt on my desk? Whatthe... I dropped my appetite and stroll off and swear to never patronise this poor attitude assistance Kaishu resturant again. Regardless of how good the meals could be, if the program standard isn't there then you won't have repeated customer once again. If the mgt are simply thinking about only capturing transits consumer before their flight because of this resturant, you possess simply did a "great" work!

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  • Priscilla Susi Chandra


    I've had Dimsum right here before that was unremarkable. The only real reason I click here is due to their smoking region. This time I attempted their Japanese Curry. I wasn't actually expecting much nonetheless it ended up being quite good. The services was ok anthe employees friendly. It would you need to be better through should they paid more focus on their customers instead of themselves.

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  • Sindra Atma


    Not gonna get back to this location. I purchased the pork cutlet curry. The pork had been burnt, and could function as essential oil was overused. It had been no longer exactly like the image at the counter.

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