
Inihaw Republic


9 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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  • Sunday: 12:00 - 23:59
  • Monday: 12:00 - 23:59
  • Tuesday: 12:00 - 23:59
  • Wednesday: 12:00 - 23:59
  • Thursday: 12:00 - 23:59
  • Friday: 12:00 - 23:59
  • Saturday: 12:00 - 23:59

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Inihaw Republic Reviews


9 Reviews

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  • Stevenny Bong


    Went here tonight with loved ones for dinner. Ordered nearly everything they have on the menus. Liempo, pork bbq, poultry bbq, pinakbet, the grilled tilapia, okra okoy and for dessert, cassava cake. Everything was tasty and the service, great!!!!! Would definitely return back there for moreYUMMY meals and friendly service. Costs have become REASONABLE (as in!!!) 👍

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  • Anton Daniel


    I ordered their brand-new Crispy Lechon Liempo. Grabe ang servings very KONTI! for a 140 price after that we improved to unli rice plus 20 pesos pero hindi namin nasulit kasi ang konti ng ULAM. I will suggest sana babaan nila yung cost or lakihan manlang nila ang Helping nila because if I'd rise to Baguio once again, magjojollibee nalang ako kahit maraming tao.

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  • MrsScott


    TL;DR-- Not worthwhile. Just. Go someplace else. For vacationers (or anybody really) only moving away from of the buses at Victory Terminal, you can find tempted. It will be much better if you visited the Jollibee next door. My buddy returned to Baguio todayand we went out for supper. He was interested in Inihaw Republic. He's in no way already been there before but he remembers their stall from Panagbenga. The area was so sweet! We got from the rainfall, and couldn't wait around to consume. Waiter-dude unceremoniously plopped the menus on our desk and informed us to at once to the counter if we had been ready to order. The costs were a little eyebrow-raising, and we briefly considered leaving behind, but we didn't have the automobile with us at that time and it simply started pouring outside. Therefore we were stuck. Do not get me wrong, we're able to afford it. It's that we generally blow money on locations that we've currently tried or have excellent reviews. This is both our first-time here. Throwing caution in order to the wind, I purchased Combo Liempo Meal (limitless rice), cousin obtained BBQ Meal, plus brother ordered Sisig. The meals arrived and we were immediately dissatisfied. The food didn't match the place's inside at all. The rice had been frosty and hard (and this type of little serving). The half of a sausage contained in my combo dinner was great, but I wouldn't possess compensated Php220 for it. I'd need to say the meals was adequate, not at the costs these were tagged with. Furthermore, having less service. My buddy and I had been eyeing the place as the location was very good and the home furniture was cute. Lots of things would have already been forgiven if they'd got much better servings and service. I think they're attempting to function as next 'Mang Inasal' as the spoons and drinking water were self-service, and you also had to visit the counter to purchase, with the smallest amount of service. Overall, we didn't appreciate it. It had been pretty 'Meh'. We finished up walking (regardless of the rainfall) to SM after to seize dessert.

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  • Yennie Bali


    The restaurant didn't promise anything to its customers but fill their tummies. It acts Filipino food and will not pretend to function other foreign dish, not really trying hard easily may state. In my own observation, Pinoy meals is not actually popular to international countriesso I guess this sort of cafe is for locals searching for grilled foods. Baguio is among the most popular holiday destinations in the united kingdom thus I believe the menu cost is fairly more than enough. But what I like concerning the place is it isn't as well crowded, the homey experiencing & the atmosphere is actually relaxing. For someone residing in Microtel, this eating place is not bad.

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  • Esfandiary


    Near Microtel, where we stayed. We initially wished to eat at Tuno-tuno, another restaurant we often head to whenever we're residing at Microtel; however, it had been closed that evening. Therefore we decided to simply go and attempt Inihaw Republic. I love their outdoor seating region.Food is okay, nevertheless, you have limited options. Service isn't that great. Since we had been seated outside, among us had to help keep heading inside to require what we need. Would we keep coming back? Only if we've no other option.

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Inihaw Republic Location

Lot 7, corner upper Session road and Engineers hill Lot 7 Corner Upper Session Road, Engineer’s Hill, Baguio, Luzon 2600 Philippines

Inihaw Republic is located at Lot 7, corner upper Session road and Engineers hill Lot 7 Corner Upper Session Road, Engineer’s Hill, Baguio, Luzon 2600 Philippines. This is a Barbecue restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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