
Gerry's Grill


9 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Gerry's Grill Reviews


9 Reviews

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  • Juliette Ildrem Siregar


    My friend and we had a drinking program inside this branch at matket! market! they will have a bar where has TV that presents basketball video games, Ordered crispy seafood fillet, lumpia and bangus sisig. location is cozy!

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  • Arimbi Ayu Raditya


    Nice relaxed atmosphere with great meals for any flavor. Gerry's Grill is a superb choice where actually you find one!

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  • Ridho Rahardi


    Yes, they had been busy however when we was presented with a table, assistance sucks. We'd to require menus after 10 mins and the girl, I believe was the manger, mentioned we are with you. Not okay, because we hen we requested, she wasjust position there searching, doing nothing. Therefore we go over the menus and once again after 10 more a few minutes still no one found the desk to take the purchase. We called the supervisor to take the purchase. No-one can't to the desk from then on unless we known as them or the meals can out. No wait around service examined on us. We has been finish eating after getting there for one hour therefore ask the supervisor where may be the barbecue that purchase, she will check. That has been the worst service actually at any eating place I have already been to

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  • SoundE


    We constantly eat in the cafe of the branch. Always good foods and nice knowledge. Except this time around. We went the 15th april for lunch time, few people inside no one at the entranceway. We proceeded to go inside and select where seat. Short while and arrivethe supervisor,she take our purchase and she inform that people had a need to wait 25 mins. We have the forks but no beverages, so we wait,as the manager along with other 2 people of the personnel were behind us speaking and laughing. After ten minutes we enquire about the beverages (isnt professional dont offer the beverage and talk to your workmates). The meals arrive few minutes later on and wasnt so excellent as always. We purchased 1 fried poultry and 1 gambas. The chicken was fried within an old essential oil, and can be done to discover from the colour(check the photograph). The gambas wasnt poor at all....however the shrimps had been overcooked. The fries with the poultry were cold,i am hoping because cook before. After that, the employees....we asked an some other coke to a man,5 minutes no coke however the guy began to clean near the desk where the individuals were to eat(are you currently serious????utilizing the spray to clear near the food???zero one teach you the normal sense of hygienic???). Think about the remaining personnel? No one services,1 waitress run in the kitchen,as the manager along with other 4 people take a seat on the table to consume( i worked in lots of restaurants rather than seen something similar to that. Etiquette state that the staff consume before or in another room. And i could understand also you could eat therefore,but no employees to serve after that??? Please check the pictures to confirm). Properly...we pay and try to escape. I really like this branch but this is actually the last period that i consume in the main one of bgc.

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  • AJ


    I could point out that this is actually the best Filipino eating place in the Philippines. Flavor consistency hasn't changed, it certainly is great. Kare-kare and Sisig will be the greatest. Mango shake must attempt, it's really refreshing. Assistance affects the knowledge though cause you need to wait longtime to support you. Overall that is my in history fav Filipino Resto. P.S. We dined at SM Bicutan Branch therefore lazy to find it.lol

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Gerry's Grill Location

Fiesta Market Extension Brgy, Taguig City, Luzon Philippines

Gerry's Grill is located at Fiesta Market Extension Brgy, Taguig City, Luzon Philippines. This is a American restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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