
Full Belly Craft Kitchen


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 7:00 - 22:00
  • Monday: 7:00 - 22:00
  • Tuesday: 7:00 - 22:00
  • Wednesday: 7:00 - 22:00
  • Thursday: 7:00 - 22:00
  • Friday: 7:00 - 22:00
  • Saturday: 7:00 - 22:00

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Full Belly Craft Kitchen Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Miriam Aquino


    The immediate impression upon settling down may be the place being cozy and comfy. Helping create this is the place not being huge, with basic but delightful interior styles and decorations. The place supplies a selection of dishes from bellies of pork, beef and fish. Wetried the sluggish cooked pork stomach, "adobo" design, salad with tuna, and a "pinakbet" variant of veggies (eggplant, squash, coffee beans, "ampalaya") topped with the chef's version of strong fried pork tummy (identified in the Ilocos as "bagnet"). All had been exquisitely delicious, specifically the sauce choosing them. It had been a fulfilling dinner around the final bite, to state the least. The place is fairly no problem finding, and parking didn't appear to be an issue. The cost of the viands had been also reasonable and worthy of the full belly you'll surely get.

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  • Vanessa Joy Arandela


    Sharing concerning this restaurant presents the dilemma. It's so excellent, you need others to see it but you furthermore want it to stay a secret guilty satisfaction. I've tried others which one in no way disappoints. The many Cebu lechons certainly are a strike and miss, soare another Ilocano bagnet joints. The area is very modest, or even outdated to look at, but don't allow that fool you. Simply close your eye and let the tastes explode in your palate. No wonder numerous patrons are simply quietly minding their sumptuous foods and allowing it to speak for itself. An absolute must try.

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  • Jayson Millon


    Simple food could possibly be the best. This is one way i describe my knowledge at full tummy. Bagnet ni kenneth has been just a normal bagnet dish however the skin was therefore crispy and the meats had been tender and flavorful. We'd camaron rebosado for appetizers. Itwas all shrimp unlike others i've tasted that's all batter and breading. For veggies we'd the ginataang sigarilyas. Nevertheless same old normal dish but tastes amazing. All the meals we ordered possess a wow factor. The service was wonderful aswell. They are attending to and serves fast. Suggest to move there during down peak hours since parking is really a problem especially with daytime. Already returned earlier for a few takeout.

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  • Akiba.iori


    Type of Visit: First time. Ambiance: Got a modernized rustic experience. Service: Excellent, without doubt. The servers were extremely type, accommodating, and attentive. The food took some time, though. Food (all of the meals my 2 siblings and i ordered): 1) Don't get - Ensaladang Bagnet-onion oveload!! And the incorrect type pa for a salad, got a weird aftertaste, wouldve already been better should they used darkish leafy greens rather than lettuce. 2) Get - Bagnet ni Kenneth- deserves all of the hype, it had been so tender and your skin had been perfectly crispy- the fat acquired a lingering aftertaste i couldve completed without, though - Slow Roasted Beef Tummy- succulently tender, better minus the gravy. But i desire the cuts had been a bit thicker - Bagoong Rice- perfectly seasoned, dare i say better still than Thaipan's 3) Meh - Ginataang sigarilyas- unremarkable. The sigarilyas was cooked flawlessly but didnt soak up the ginataang taste i was longing for. Verdict: I AM BACK. - i wasnt impressed by the meals but i at the very least felt that i acquired worth for my money somewhat. - i would desire to head back to use the other dishes.

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  • Mica Bartolome


    We reserved a desk for the Easter family supper and were surprised that the area wasn't complete a Sunday evening. I really believe there have been only 2 additional tables occupied while we have there been. We ordered their specialized that was the the bagnet, bagnet sinigang,beef kare-kare, bangus ala pobre, fried poultry in salted egg sauce, and mussels appetizer. Winners - bagnet! (Definitely 5-star! Crispy externally and tender and juicy in the within) Mussels appetizer - essential try out. Mussels in cheesy lotion sauce with mashed potatoes as mattress and baked to perfection. Just alright - Kare-kare, bagnet sinigang and bangus ala pobre Disappointing - chicken within salted egg sauce - Can't flavor the salted egg within the dish. The place is fairly small with a homey ambiance. The next flooring is reserved for features. There's limited parking space (road parking). Menu is also small and we ordered some that have been not available. The service staff (we only saw 2 of these) were courteous and helpful. Will be back again to try the roast beef which we heard is actually good!

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Full Belly Craft Kitchen Location

5 Sergeant Esguerra Avenue Barangay South Triangle, Quezon City, Luzon 1103 Philippines

Full Belly Craft Kitchen is located at 5 Sergeant Esguerra Avenue Barangay South Triangle, Quezon City, Luzon 1103 Philippines. This is a Vegetarian restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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