Emnace's Grill
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Emnace's Grill


5 Reviews




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Emnace's Grill Photos

  • Emnace's Grill Food Photo 1
  • Emnace's Grill Food Photo 2
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Emnace's Grill Location

Emnace's Grill is located at 116 Congressional Avenue Project 8, Quezon City, Luzon 1116 Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Kidapawan City.The average price range at Emnace's Grill is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Emnace's Grill is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kidapawan City area. There are different kinds of food in Emnace's Grill that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Emnace's Grill Reviews


5 Reviews

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  • Ghina Shabrina


    We always regular this place not only because their food preferences good but additionally because it's affordable. They have set foods from poultry bbq to liempo/lechon kawali and its own significantly less than 100php plus unli rice and you also include 20php for iced tea. It's asmall resto in Congressional avenue in task 8. So that they get jam loaded at lunch time and dinner. In addition they offer peanuts, dilis, cookies, patis etc that you could bring house to your loved ones. We usually order poultry bbq and liempo, their sinigang na panga, bulalo, pinakbet, pinangat and laing certainly are a must attempt. We have also attempted their pansit bilao and the "sahog" are very hefty.

  • Stefanie Lee


    I would recommend this to solo tourists such as me who explore foods in different resto. My children and I attempted their cripsy pata, kare-kare, pork barbeque, lumpia, sinigang na ulo ng salmon, etc. What I love the most will be their Selfie food BBQ that arrives upwith unlimited rice for a lessthan a 100 bucks! Extremely masarap! 💘

  • Faufaurahma


    Had an excellent dinner here, personnel was really friendly and accommodating with regards to our special request.

  • Irene Septania


    The food is merely average, but it's affordable and the area is fairly spacious compared before. Dissatisfied because before their bbq cost is 18/stick... today its 25/stay but I believe it's more bigger.

  • Sam Beljon Cortes Catapusan


    Have been to the restaurant for handful of times and it's really still among the bests within QC. Just love the way the meals are served warm and restaurant's employees is fairly the best.

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