
Dillingers 1903 Steak & Brew


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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  • Sunday: 11:00 - 6:00
  • Monday: 11:00 - 6:00
  • Tuesday: 11:00 - 6:00
  • Wednesday: 11:00 - 6:00
  • Thursday: 11:00 - 6:00
  • Friday: 11:00 - 6:00
  • Saturday: 11:00 - 6:00

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Dillingers 1903 Steak & Brew Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Kinx


    Hi, Servers answered me they would rather have got the remaining food inside the trash rather than allowing me to create it home to consume. I covered this meals, why was I prohibited to finish it? I received poor, uncomfortable service from yourservers, Guy and Kris. I purchased a single seafood and frites dish with hashbrowns for sides. Nearing the finish, I possibly could not finish the meals anymore, therefore i kindly requested for this to be loaded to collect. The servers wouldn't normally i want to saying that remove orders aren't allowed generally. However, my order had not been a remove meal order but simply leftovers I made a decision to buying. I raised this matter, and they’re solutions were appalling. 1) We raised the problem that the food was a dine inside meal, and it had not been ordered for remove. I described that the principle probably applied for remove foods. They answered me by stating, “but you’re still likely to take it home, therefore it’s remove” 2) Servers argued that some customers misuse it and purchase excessively, so that they could take house the food. However, I did so not purchase excessively. I simply had 1 individual dish and I simply cannot finish it anymore. 3) I asked the servers if they’d favour the meal head to waste materials to the trash bin or even have myself eat it in the home. They answered me, “Yes, ma’am. Mas gusto namin itapon nalang” The service is quite disheartening and poor. I really do not really understand why they might not let me collect leftovers and favour it thrown away. Please see photograph for reference of the meals I requested to end up being packed. It had been one little bit of fish and hashbrown.

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  • Mary Grace


    Nice spot to avoid at for an excellent steak. Ribeye was completed to perfection and the mashed potatoes had been like from back. A little darkish but realize it’s for the result. Service was extremely attentive and the waitress guarantee our beer stayed frosty.

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  • Saul Berenson


    Cannot comment in the food,because didn't really explored it right here. The event that has been hosted here may not be representative - foods was greeting cool at the buffet. Terrace had been quite ok. Therefore, as a speak simple place - check.

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  • Michelle Marie D. Geronda


    Reading the nice comments concerning this restaurant I made a decision to come and order the ribeye steak. Great taste but too excess fat !!practically half was just fat impossible to consume. Mash potatoes not creamy. Waiter was right now there seems he was getting me a favour... A littledelusion :( I won't keep coming back sorry guys .. Cashier was really gentle and great ..congrats !!

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  • Brigid


    I've been right here to get a few beverages with friends, in addition to for supper with the household. The bartenders are type, but do not understand how to pour a glass or two or create a cocktail. The foods is your typical typical pub meals. While Imay go back to have social beverages (wouldn't be within my recommendation), I'd not go back to eat there. You can find a lot more tasty options somewhere else in Greenbelt.

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Dillingers 1903 Steak & Brew Location

Legaspi Street Greenbelt 3, Makati, Luzon Philippines

Dillingers 1903 Steak & Brew is located at Legaspi Street Greenbelt 3, Makati, Luzon Philippines. This is a Bar restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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