


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Crisostomo Location

Blue Bay Walk, Macapagal Ave. Along EDSA, in between Macapagal Ave. and Roxas Blvd., Pasay, Luzon Philippines

Crisostomo is located at Blue Bay Walk, Macapagal Ave. Along EDSA, in between Macapagal Ave. and Roxas Blvd., Pasay, Luzon Philippines. This is a Vegetarian restaurant near the Kidapawan City.The average price range at Crisostomo is around ₱ 400 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Crisostomo is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kidapawan City area. There are different kinds of food in Crisostomo that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +63 2 832 6592.

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Crisostomo Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Wen Lif


    Crisostomo is among our fave resto actually inside our 4 days inside Manila, we visited 2 branches of Crisostomo. One in Resorts Globe in Pasay and their gorgeous, vintage invest Bluebay stroll . We loved their two times prepared adobo, crispy pata ,bulalo, sinigang na lechon and much more. This resto is quite consistent in their concept from the title “Crisostomo” that is very historical, with their menu , which are all called in Filipino, to the atmosphere of their place. In addition they market preserved , bottled “ tuyo “ along with other food stuff.

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  • Petita Eats


    This restaurant was strongly suggested by our hotel, The Henry, It had been a brief taxi ride to it. It had been in an exceedingly nice shopping mall with a great many other restaurants. Numerous Philippine families have there been. The menu was considerable. We especially adored thefried beef strips and the octopus with the trick sauce. The menus shows photos of all the meals which is very useful in choosing what things to eat. It isn't expensive. We shall definitely return. This is a chain of restaurants therefore i believe another locations ought to be equally good.

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  • Celeste Mng


    This restaurant was excellent. The meals was tasty. They will have many selections to select from. They had special products for large events that included various kinds food. The positioning was clean and nicely maintained. The employees was mindful of our needs.

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  • Nik Azira Zakirudin


    One awesome Filipino cafe. First-time to dine here and We instantly loved it. We began with thin slices of crispy lechon kawali with options of liver sauce and soy sauce. Kilawin had been also a sensible way to start our lunch time. Those had been calledBagumbayan Lechon and Kinilaw ni Custodio respectively. After that we segued to the next which I strongly suggest: - Tinapa ni Tiburcio (triangular little pies of minced tinapa seafood) - Fried plapla (Ka Plaridel) - Dinuguan (Corregidor) - Sinigang Pompano (Sigang Mestizo) - Kangkong - White rice The good pairing is really a pitcher of refreshing melon juice. Hints of Filipino tradition and history to help make the food more appetizing. Ideal concept. Will undoubtedly be back here for certain.

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  • Syasya4786


    A pal brought me here for lunch time. It had been a pleasant shock for me to find another good Filipino eating place around. We tried their popular poultry and pork adobo, calamaris and fried cat seafood with buro. Meals were perfectly presented and were certainly delicious.Service was quick and friendly with servers bearing native Filipino titles within their name plates. Costs are affordable. I paid one thousand pesos for two folks dining with great desserts by the end. Location is huge but gets crowded during lunch time. Toilets were very clear. Parking isn't a problem. There exists a paid parking region just while watching restaurant.

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