


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Cinnabon Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Angelina Shine


    It's your typical Cinnabon inside the booth. There are many seats because the booth is situated in the meals court. They serve espresso and your standard Cinnabon pastries and they also do offer free preferences for new products. My friend bought the box-of-4 Cinnabon fortake away. The prices doesn't actually deviate that much due to the premier location, therefore yey! The meals is needless to say, standardized. I find Cinnabon really nice for my flavor, but besides that, it's good food. And oh, they will have this brand-new Nutella motivated pastry. It provides Nutella onto it so definitely, essential try!

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  • Febri Zulwin


    The warm pecan ones will be the best. An simple shop for grabbing an instant cinnamon roll with a definite flavor. Open all day long. I found the final exactly like my regional in the Staters.

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  • Ryan Aldebaran


    Excellent way to start your day with mocha ice coffee and cinnamon bread served trim in bite sizing pieces. Can be extremely sweet rather than so cheap either.

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  • Rifki Nugroho


    Me and my children usually check out SM Aura on the weekend to relationship and relax. Whenever we already are done shopping or travelling the mall, we'd find ourselves getting lured to the trunk section of the foodcourt to take pleasure from some nice warm coffeeand their big pecanbon. What I love about Cinnabon is that the grade of the merchandise is maintained whether we appreciate it within SM Aura or in SM Megamall. The flavor is simply heavenly. One is merely enough to take pleasure from. Although a different one won't hurt sometimes. In addition they offer different beverages and products, but I recommend this pair. Anyways, hope this can help.

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  • Taehyung Kim


    I would haven't tried their products or even for a voucher received. Their cinnamon is the greatest I tasted! I furthermore like their mango smoothie. While looking forward to our purchase to be offered, they gave us a thing that lighten and vibrates if it is readyfor pick-up. It is rather convenient so we need not check or even to keep position in queue. The only real challenge encountered was once the aroma of these products combined, in addition to the aroma from another stalls, as a little sensitive to odor I could not enjoy it. But in addition to that, everything is great. Thumbs up!

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Cinnabon Location

Floor 4th SM Aura Premier, Corner McKinley Parkway and 26th Street, Fort Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City, Luzon 1630 Philippines

Cinnabon is located at Floor 4th SM Aura Premier, Corner McKinley Parkway and 26th Street, Fort Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City, Luzon 1630 Philippines. This is a Cafe restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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