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Chickilicious Location

SM North Edsa Upper Ground Floor, The Annex, Quezon City, Luzon 1100 Philippines

Chickilicious is located at SM North Edsa Upper Ground Floor, The Annex, Quezon City, Luzon 1100 Philippines. This is a Fast food restaurant near the Kidapawan City.The average price range at Chickilicious is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Chickilicious is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kidapawan City area. There are different kinds of food in Chickilicious that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Chickilicious Reviews


7 Reviews

  • Johanna Fungsiwinata


    Chickilicious is situated in SM Annex North Edsa. This restaurant is initially from Taiwan, it acts mostly chicken fillet dinner and milk tea. The food ranges from 120 to 150. The serving will be huge! I have attempted crispy lemonade, golden fried, noodles fried, bbq, pizza,and takoyaki chickilicious. And I could state that all of these tastes excellent. My in history favorite is golden buddy chix with lime pepper (moderate spicy). Their taro pudding milk tea can be great. The milk tea ranges from 90-110, they only have one dimension which is large. The staff have become friendly and would focus on your needs immediately. One of the best restos in SM North.

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  • Nesibe Damar


    Chickilicious can be compared with Hot Superstar chicken. Both originated from Taiwan, both with exactly the same concept. Large pressed poultry chops and rice. Though Chickilicious serves milktea (that is a plus) for the price tag on P130 for a big serving, it isn't bad afterall. Onemust attempt their lemon chops, that is said to end up being their finest seller. One serving could be served for just two people dining, however the unli rice must not be shared! Chickikicious is situated at SM North Annex, beside Ersao and infront of Buffalo Wings n Things.

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  • Emine T


    Serving portion is massive, really affordability because they provide "unli rice" because of their meals. I assume the Lemon taste is as well overpowering for all of us. Okay to use again but not any time in the future.

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  • Ramazan Oguz


    Its a self program resto. You pay out as you order. Basic filling treats of poultry chops and much more. I got the most common best retailers, its the main one with the superstars, crispy lemonade and golden fried. You have the choice on the taste from nice tosalty. They do provide gravy in the event that you ask. Rice will be generously served. Great meals for a realistic price.

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  • Ipeknur Seyda


    We run into this restaurant and found the big servings they have and we went directly into try it. They present you a simple chicken breast making use of their first marinate and you surely got to choose your flavouring to include into it. So far we'vetried the majority of their various flavouring combination aside from the chocolate topping which we don't feel just like trying it. The serving is actually huge and is wonderful for sharing. They also last with unlimited rice to opt for your poultry. In order to be full, certainly come and attempt them.

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