


9 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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  • Sunday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Monday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Tuesday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Wednesday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Thursday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Friday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Saturday: 10:00 - 22:00

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Cabalen Reviews


9 Reviews

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  • Eka Ordinario


    Cabalen Restaurant is actually the fastest increasing restau in town. Plenty of Branches had opened up nationwide therefore i has been expecting of my anticipations, Been dining in various Design of Restau and I'm a fond of getting a buffet. It had been Feb12, 2018 whenever we made a decision to ate in Cabalen and the Assistance wasn’t good. I’ve require the tap water often however the waiter Forgot to assist it exact same with other desk, our mess in the desk wasn’t very clear, the plates in the buffet aren't well wiped so filthy. Pls, pls do something for this. You men are serving meals it must be cleaned and move the typical! Food Safety is essential! Thanks

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  • Tessa Distor


    We went there last March 4, 2018. Small food selections!!! The majority of the meals served upon request aren't available. Like what do we purchase if all are unavailable. Refilling of food items takes about one hour. Also if they understand that they areall empty nevertheless no types insisted to refill, you nevertheless must personally approach and have them, and they'll only tell you they still want to talk with the chef. We have been just sitting and waiting, also it feels like eternity realizing that we just have 2 hrs to eat. I'm really disappointed, we have been likely to celebrate my birthday celebration :(( What I hated probably the most is they are still continually accommodating another models of customer understanding that there are forget about foods available. We have been so embarrassed.

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  • Jasmin Andan


    Me and my children tried to consume to cabalen sm north edsa b'cos we realize that cabalen dining places has many selection of good meals. But what we discover at sm north, they will have the worst selection of foods. The majority of the food items are vegetables theonly foods that i eat there's kare-kare and omg yung kare-kare nya bes electronic! Puro sabaw nalang at iilang pirasong sitaw lang ang laman hindi guy lang lagyan ulet ng ibang sahog yung twalya naman napaka labsa parang gelatin. The staffs additionally, there are horrible biglang dadamputin yung plato di pa tapos kumaen sana bago mag ligpit siguraduhin nila na nakapag expenses out na at nakaalis na ung consumer. We will never gonna eat there once again its the most severe cabalen ever. P. S: we've just stayed there for two minutes and then costs out and eat once again somewhere else.

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  • Jeromaie Elduayan


    Had a supper there today for the friends special birthday and had a great time. The meals was great particularly if you're an ofw. Selection of choices. I like all the Filipino cuisine specifically karekare. Great food at a realistic price. Will certainly recommend. Althoughthe program was a little slow it isn't a bother being that they are very friendly. Cabalen cebu sm sea side branch

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  • Mica Ruiz


    The food had not been fresh. I'm 100% sure all of the foods were recycled leftovers. zero free drinks accessible. the service was poor. everything was bad in fact. a eating place should serve fresh meals rather what i ate had been garbage. just what a shame.

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Cabalen Location

#54 JP Rizal St. Cor Aguado St., Project 4, Quezon City, Luzon Philippines

Cabalen is located at #54 JP Rizal St. Cor Aguado St., Project 4, Quezon City, Luzon Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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