
C2 Classic Cuisine


10 Reviews



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Business hours
  • Monday: 9:30 - 21:00
  • Tuesday: 9:30 - 21:00
  • Wednesday: 9:30 - 21:00
  • Thursday: 9:30 - 21:00
  • Friday: 9:30 - 21:00
  • Saturday: 9:30 - 21:00

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C2 Classic Cuisine Location

Ground Floor, Robinsons Place Mall, Pedro Gil Street Ermita, Manila, Luzon Philippines

C2 Classic Cuisine is located at Ground Floor, Robinsons Place Mall, Pedro Gil Street Ermita, Manila, Luzon Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Kidapawan City.The average price range at C2 Classic Cuisine is around $$,and the opening hours are 9:30 - 21:00.C2 Classic Cuisine is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kidapawan City area. There are different kinds of food in C2 Classic Cuisine that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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C2 Classic Cuisine Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Alethea Miralles


    Enjoy their molo soup, pakbet and bagnet, and kare-kare! Just be sure you consume with somebody because their servings are actually large! But it's worth it!

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  • Enver Valino


    Had lunch time at C2 Cafe in Robinson's Mall throughout a recent visit to Manila and liked our meal, much like a meal had within the past. C2 serves basic Filipino meals, served in contemporary/contemporary fashion. Meals are pricey but food portion sizes are very large.At this juncture, we ordered the Chicken & Pork Adobo (P395) which was included with four pieces of poultry and two portions of pork, served in a good adobo sauce. Little serving of regional greens and pickled kraut (or something similar to this). We furthermore had one purchase of Pandan Rice (P70), that was a large good enough serving for at the very least 3 individuals. The adobo dish has been also very large, a lot for two visitors to eat and had been pleasurable. We preferred our previous adobo purchase at C2, which was included with a large helping of adobo sauce which we poured on the meats. The sauce serving has been missing during our final lunch, that was disappointing. This is our only complaint as the flavor of the sauce had been still very good (rating 3.5). We ordered a Environment friendly Mango Shake (P140) that has been very tasty, significantly enjoyed (ranking 3.5 of 5), can of San Miguel (P90) was a little pricey for Malate nonetheless it is really a suitable beverage when experiencing adobo dishes just what exactly can you do. Overall, we enjoyed our recent lunch time at C2 Vintage Cuisine but not just as much as our past click here. Meal was sufficient nevertheless to recommend to those thinking about a vintage Filipino dish or two in the Robinsons Mall section of Malate. This will make a great option for larger groupings as meal portions listed below are huge!

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  • Myra T.


    That was one of the biggest meals I've had in the Filippino Restaurant! We'd the Tinolang Binakol, that is an amazing chicken/veggie soup in a coconut shell, fantastic taste. We furthermore had Walastic, a tasty bistek recipe. The provider was superb andthe portions extremely generous, by the end the traditional dessert Palitaw. The supervisor came and got a speak to us, excellent manners. As a enthusiast of the Filippino cuisine I had been quite satisfied and I recommend this restaurant! The purchase price by the end was really much worthwhile as the quantity of the two 2 orders was plenty of for just two 2 persons. We'd to take some house!

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  • Princess Mendoza Luna


    We'd the deconstructed kare kare that was good, nonetheless it was only a crispy pata served with the plate of kare-kare sauce and veggies privately. We decided that when we needed either crispy pata or kare-kare we'd order that, instead thanthis halfway edition. The bibingka soufflé, nevertheless, is completely divine. The wealthy custard poured outrageous is a great counter to the items of salted egg on underneath. Definitely worth a come back trip.

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  • Laine Aguila


    My mom and We craving to flavor their crispy kare-kare... making use of their experimental that balances the older and the brand new by presenting modern ideas with preferred Filipino kare-kare to crispy kare-kare and crispy ribs sinigang that is was good sufficient reason for fantastic taste. a masterpieceof deep-fried beefy goodness offered with cheek-pinching sour broth. It's the dish I take advantage of to bring in C2 to my close friends and family members who haven't attempted the restaurant. Needless to say, you can find more exciting things waiting for you for you personally at C2, from drinks because of their dessert.

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