
Bruce Lims Rustique Kitchen in Makati Manila


6 Reviews



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Bruce Lims Rustique Kitchen in Makati Manila Reviews


6 Reviews

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  • Rod Ralph Zantua


    We have been in Makati travelling and we notice Bruce Lims restaurant. (We realize him from several Television shows as a chef) We have been thinking about the menu therefore walking up to the entranceway a doorman in glowing blue clothing and walkie talkie will get up andblocks our method. I make an effort to ask if we are able to start to see the menu and also have a card to possess details in case you want to reserve. Before actually finishing the issue he steps around my face, blocks just how and asks in extremely aggressive way. "What you would like? " attempting to ask once again to start to see the menus he states in tagalog. "We have been closed" even folks are consuming at the back yard. Therefore sorry but no evaluation about food once we never also got that significantly. We assume perhaps you need to be well-known to go there. Poor attitude since place just opened last month.

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  • Benjamin Dychangco


    In order to impress a romantic date, Rustique Kitchen ought to be together with your set of restaurants to use. Some things choosing it: 1. It's fairly personal. Its on Arnaiz Avenue, an excellent distance from the busyness of the Ayala commercialcenter. if you are bringing an automobile, parking's easy and frequently offered by the basement. The interiors are usually done in wooden, with dim lighting, offering it an extremely Tower Club feel; 2. The wait employees are attentive and understand their menu. Feel absolve to request what the chef recommends for your day. 3. The foods is great and reasonably priced. We'd the oxtail kare-kare with tripe bagoong, the roast pork stomach, and the baked salmon. As the kare-kare had just three meat parts, the pork tummy and salmon were huge enough for 3-4 people to share. Overall, supper was a nice experience. We've long gone back once currently and the support and the food is still excellent.

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  • Aarontimothyqlao


    There were just 2 couples in the restaurant. The area is quite nicely decorated European design and the lighting are just correct. We purchased a lamb tack and a trip attention steak with a bottle of Italian wines. Both meals cost about 1000 phpeach. Your wine has been 1200 php but had been an excellent wine, worth the purchase price. The lamb rack has been good also and display was done well. The rib eye rather was very disappointing, possibly around 100 grams of fatty meat, tasting simply ok, too chewy rather than worth also half that price. That which was really disappointing was the provider. The waiter held pouring us your wine in half full eyeglasses in a way or urgency and had been spilling the wine on the table constantly. After that at 10.40 we were advised to help make the final order and at 10.50 some lights were switched off and five minutes later on we had been reminded the the area was near! Wow. A 3200 dinner from 9,45 to 11 pm and we were pushed from the place... It in no way happened certainly to me before. It had been Saturday night.

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  • Benson Lo


    Tried their kare-kare, poultry inasal-style and buko pie. Excellent! You'll forget your title! The price will be around P300+ nonetheless it can end up being shared for two. Sayang lang. The area looks intimidating since it looks like a resort but as soon as you tried the meals,you won't mind the area anymore. #annderthesun

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  • Pile


    Nice foods and reasonable cost, talked to chef Bruce that was nice as this individual was very helpful and explained the meals and took an image with my kids

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Bruce Lims Rustique Kitchen in Makati Manila Location

Leelin Building II, 820 Arnaiz Avenue, Legaspi Village, Makati City, Manila, Luzon Philippines

Bruce Lims Rustique Kitchen in Makati Manila is located at Leelin Building II, 820 Arnaiz Avenue, Legaspi Village, Makati City, Manila, Luzon Philippines. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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