
Bon Banhmi


10 Reviews



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Bon Banhmi Location

8390 Mayapis Street San Antonio Village, Makati, Luzon 1203 Philippines

Bon Banhmi is located at 8390 Mayapis Street San Antonio Village, Makati, Luzon 1203 Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Kidapawan City.The average price range at Bon Banhmi is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Bon Banhmi is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kidapawan City area. There are different kinds of food in Bon Banhmi that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +63 2 808 7979.

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Bon Banhmi Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Patricia Marquez


    Proceeded to go here VERY RECENTLY because I actually enjoyed their branch inside Mall of Asia We thought the primary branch must taste far better because the Vietnamese owners are usually getting the bahn mis themselves. But boy how dissatisfied has been I when I got my initial bite. Itwas so difficult to bite the loaf of bread is just old. It isn't crunchy either... ok this is a little bit crunchy using one end however the rest isn't crunchy. It's just therefore disappointing since we actually went of our method (and schedule) to get their place. Also yet another thing.. I know they're Vietnamese yes but I don't believe it's great to speak a vocabulary that the others do not really understand and stare. Made me experience a bit uncomfortable. Obviously I still just like the bahn mi I 1st experienced in Mall of Asia and I am likely to that branch to any extent further.

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  • Wong TT


    I had simply exited the drugstore in Ayala 30th mall when We noticed their stall off aside. I took a appearance and decided to attempt one after since their banhmi was very big (it is possible to share fifty percent with a pal without resentingit) and fairly cheap (P119) in comparison with other Vietnam sandwich areas in the metro. The breads has been crunchy and the filling had been tasty and nearly the proper amount. I wouldn't brain eating this regularly.

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    This is my selection of breakfast whenever i crave because of their sandwich without cilantro. Its the crispy bread which makes me wanna get back to this Vietnamese sandwich stall. The sandwich is large enough to fulfill my hunger each morning. I just buy themedium dimension for 99 pesos.

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  • Irwan Santoso


    Obviously known for his or her Banhmi, this can be a fine option if you prefer a healthy sandwich for takeout. (You can choose to dine in but room is quite limited.) It's pretty an easy task to eat on-the-go however the sauce makes it a little messy. Thesandwich is quite crunchy outside but gentle inside. Take care not to injure your palate; attempt facing the top section of your Banhmi towards your tongue. Check out their expansion "Bon Pho" if you would like some Planting season Rolls or Noodles.

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  • Raymond.demello


    Banhmi bread is actually crunchy and general tasty. Great Vietnamese joint in the outskirts of Makati. Should come back real soon!

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