
Bloom Restaurant


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Bloom Restaurant Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Ramennobushi.cebu


    We'd the breakfast buffet within our room package. Foods is delicious and satisfying. The siomai had been so delicious. There's variety but needless to say it's nothing in comparison to Spiral.

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  • Keane Vincent Valencia


    We could actually eat during Saturday supper. It includes the I'm Onsen trilogy spa package deal we got. The meals was delicious! The best has been the pancit guisado, roast beef, wanton soup, hainesse chicken therefore much more! I'm definitely going back!

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  • Jamie Lyn


    Dine for 3 times lunch throughout a seminar. Selection is bound. It is great they have noodles choice and pasta. Tempura will be good. Roasted pig is excellent. Place is clean.

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  • Tin


    Not long ago i tried I’M ONSEN SPA when i saw the attractive advertisements on Facebook. I motivated my pal to celebrate her birthday celebration there since there’s furthermore a buffet contained in the spa bundle. The spa amenities is outstanding since it has a relaxing atmosphere andprovides great support. It definitely may be the flagship services of I’M Hotel. Following the spa session, we visited Bloom cafe of the hotel to possess our dinner. The receptionist is quite accommodating and the personnel were mindful of our needs. The meals was great nevertheless, their menu lacks range as they don’t present any seafood and is bound to asian and western meals. Their water involve some odd flavor and requested the waiter to displace it. However the odd taste remains therefore i asked for a water in bottles rather. While we were looking forward to the laksa and experiencing our meals, I saw a computer mouse running beneath the tables. I has been shocked to find one convinced that I am in the so called 5 superstar hotel. But I had been speechless when I noticed the eating place manager (by the title of Moncada that’s in her title plate) can be aware of the current presence of the computer mouse but pretended that she’s not really. I tried to capture her interest but she isn’t as attentive as her employees. I lost my urge for food currently and didn’t bother attempting other meals and the desserts even though it looks delish. We were likely to stay in the resort while we were in the Onsen spa because we really enjoyed our knowledge there. But after our supper at Bloom, we transformed programs because we were incredibly disappointed. I am hoping you’ll train the supervisor on what a 5 star resort delivers excellent assistance and ensure there exists a pest control.

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  • Vidafern


    Breakfast offerings were regular fare-nothing stellar. Coffee isn't as solid and flavorful when i expect it to end up being, whenever I'm in a hotel.

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Bloom Restaurant Location

7862 Makati Avenue corner Kalayaan Avenue I'M Hotel, Makati, Luzon 1210 Philippines

Bloom Restaurant is located at 7862 Makati Avenue corner Kalayaan Avenue I'M Hotel, Makati, Luzon 1210 Philippines. This is a International restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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