


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Amici Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Sarah Aisyiyah


    Period: 11:20AM, Sunday. We were the initial customer of your day. Upside 1. Location -simple to find 2. Parking- amply 3. Meals server Ash - attentive 4. Shift Supervisor Allen- apologizes after recognizing the poor service we received; deletes the expenses of the chickenfrom our invoice (good! because we're able to not eat it) Offers a 10% lower price amounting to PHP 108 (USD 3), big offer. 5. Offers a membership cards for Php 800 Downside 1. Soup - served cool; had to come back it to your kitchen (the microwaved it! didn't even offer to assist us a brand new batch) 2. Main Dish (top selling chicken)- looked definately not the picture; served lukewarm (and based on the food server, it has been cooked yesterday evening and just reheated in the microwave). 3. Staff chat in a boisterous way (like she had been in her own family room) - even though they know there's already a person around. Foods Server Angel talks noisy, drags her sneakers around making an annoying sound. 4. A female Shift Supervisor ostentatiously fixes her uniform, tucks her blouse, fixes her back again pockets & even scrapes her bum - only a meter from the diners. It had been disgusting. Her uniform/ trousers have to be changed by management since it looked exhausted & ill-fitting. 5. Uses old essential oil/ bad essential oil for the Italian Chips - in the event that you ate the chips minus the dip - it got a vintage after taste 6. Had cocktails detailed on the menu - nevertheless foods server states they don't really have any substances for just about any of it! 7. Offers a membership cards for Php 800, happy we didn't buy.

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  • Dambron Fiqih


    Amici is among the best Italian restaurant among the best dish is Pollo Arrostito and the Mozzarella Fritto. This restaurant includes a great support and friendly staff. Generally we'd go and eat right here after going to the bulk in Don Bosco.

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  • Moedji Rahardjo


    There pasta are perfect, the chicken is great it have a solid taste of herb which a such as a lot, the rice surprise me coz it have a distinctive taste. The provider is okay, we obtained there around lunchtime and the area is notcrowded maybe individuals think the price selection of the food are costly but it is similar to the same cost in shakey and pizza hut. The dessert had been good, the employees are attentive. We'd a great time

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  • Syifa Fauziyyah


    We went here for supper but ordered their Pizza and Smores cake for remove. The place includes a extremely spacious eating hall.One end of the eating hall gets the pizza ovens as the other end gets the ice cream and cake counters. They mainlyserve italian food, pizza, pasta ,poultry items ,ice cream and cakes on the menu. The waiters and waitresses and also the security safeguard were very mindful of my existence .They immediately gave me one glass of drinking water while I was looking forward to my order. Shipping of my orders has been fast. There were just a couple customers in the eating place so probably thats the reason why my purchase was delivered fast. In addition they deliver order made on-line. Pizza was nothing exclusive but I really like their cake and ice lotion selections.

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  • R Fendoy


    Amici has been started by a good Italian priest from the don bosco parish and college, and the wonderful pizzas and pasta this individual used to create were refreshing for patrons then. Today, the cafe had been bought about by the Moran loved ones and isn't as effective as itused to end up being, but nonetheless authentic enough for an excellent rating. Pizzas have an excellent crust, not filling rather than too lighting and the toppings are usually flavorful. Pastas are tasty. If you program to feed lots of people I wouldn't suggest this place since it isn't to be bulk consumed. Nevertheless, if for just two 2 people one huge pizza is ideal. Each pizza applies to around 400 pesos and everything you get for this, is sufficient value.

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Amici Location

Don Bosco Makati 1299 Arnaiz Avenue, Makati, Luzon Philippines

Amici is located at Don Bosco Makati 1299 Arnaiz Avenue, Makati, Luzon Philippines. This is a Pizza restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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