
28 Treasures HK Roast & Dimsum


5 Reviews


₱ 150 / Person

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28 Treasures HK Roast & Dimsum Reviews


5 Reviews

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  • Gülen


    Tried this spot for our loved-one's birthday lunch because I study some good reviews concerning the food. The first issue we encountered had been parking since Banawe will be this type of busy street with those shops selling auto parts and services. After that, we discovered theresto really was small with little tables (the largest could only fit 6)!. We attained 11:30 and the tables were all used. Positive thing they serve just dimsum and roasts and turn-over was quick. 3rd, we noticed we had been the only non-Chinese individuals in the area! I informed myself, this was an excellent sign. If Tsinoys visited this place, then meals must be good, Also it was! The appetizer selection was tasty - roast duck, suckling pig, pork bbq, century egg, steamed chicken,spicy jellyfish. The hakaw has been plump and juicy and the port siomai had been good! We purchased the yangchow rice which lacked just a little salt but went nicely with another dishes. We recommend the Pipa poultry, which is half-roasted and deep-fried bringing on crunchy chicken epidermis and juicy and tender poultry meats. The seafood pancit canton has been filling and tasty. We also attempted the radish cake and the sauteed veggies in garlic. Since we didn't all arrive at once, some orders were still left too long up for grabs. The restaurant mind waiter purchased these to be transformed and served us freshly cooked ones. What a fantastic service! For the wonderful food and services, we shall definitely go back again. And if parking can be an issue, it is possible to always purchase for take-away.

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  • Wiwan


    We were in the Banawe area scouting for a location to eat whenever we found the signage, in we visited 28 Treasures. It had been our first-time and made a decision to ourder familiar meals, chicken foot, a platter of these 28 treasures mixture, pancit, soychicken and yang chao rice. Everything had been tasty and servings which tge server mentioned would satisfy four individuals were good for a more impressive group. The downside was that there is a few selection of desserts to pick from. Buchi, which most of us wanted has been unavailable. We settled for canned lychees. Bill was very reasonable, way more vecause we used our senior cards. Service was great and fast. We'll certainly be back!

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  • Ivoneivone


    Buddies of mine following a long ,long time visited this place at only before midnight. There have been a three tables furthermore occupied by past due diners. three folks guys had the 28 treasures noodle soup, one acquired without noodles and something purchased the beefwanton noodles soup. We furthermore ordered Dimsum,Chicken ft,xiao lengthy bao and Shrimp siomao. It had been as delicious meal, individuals were content with everything in the desk! Service was quick and friendly,In addition they serve courtesy warm Chinese tea. They might have been even more generous with the dimsum sauce,they simply gave as soon as sauce per dimsum purchase. It had been all good once we were all close friends and starving but I noticed after eating they ought to have provided each guest their own dimsum sauce as in the PHL, dimsum will be for sharing. That apart,It was an excellent meal,The 28treasures experienced many ingredients inside it,mushroom,tofu,dimsun,etc. It did the secret! Will be back again for sure here

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  • Dewi Sumiati


    Well known neighborhood Chinese resto... Actually consistent, yummy and great value... This time around: Sweet and Sour Pork, Chicken Feet, Spare ribs with Taosi, Yeung Chow Fried Rice, Beef Hofun w Bean Sprouts, Braised Beef with noodles (dry)... Considering it is for my partner andI - we've liked all of the dishes over 2 consecutive days... To put it simply - yummy, generous portions and excellent value!

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  • Skrattar Du Förlorar Du


    Takeout foods is yummy, great worth and consistent! 1/4 roast duck, lovely and sour pork, har kaw, beef hofun, beef noodle (dry), spareribs with taosi Price was about Php1400 and gave we near 3 foods to enjoy

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28 Treasures HK Roast & Dimsum Location

71 Nicanor Roxas Street Corner Banawe St, Santa Mesa Heights, Quezon City, Luzon 1114 Philippines

28 Treasures HK Roast & Dimsum is located at 71 Nicanor Roxas Street Corner Banawe St, Santa Mesa Heights, Quezon City, Luzon 1114 Philippines. This is a Chinese Food restaurant near the Kidapawan City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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