
Kubong Sawali


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Kubong Sawali Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Yana Lim


    We went here with my close friends around 2:30 pm and nobody immediately entertain us, thus we chose our very own table before someone approach us and provides the menu checklist. We purchased and the waiter instantly still left without repeating our orders and when how many minuteswaiting period.We waited for nearly one hour and followed upward our orders since one hour of waiting around is an excessive amount of! They don't have plenty of clients since it's previous lunchtime currently but their support is too slow. So when our orders arrived the laundry are served cold, actually? An hour of looking forward to cold dishes? After all we would understand in the event that you served past due for cooking period but with cold meals it just means it had been cooked but wasn't assist! And in addition wrong orders for 4 rice you assist us six and you also tell us it really is what's written? You didn't also do it again our orders! And for buzzing for the expenses out you merely said "wait around lang" ,we already wasted our period waiting and we are able to see that plenty of staff are simply standing in the part. It is a bad location and I'll never keep coming back here.

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  • Denny Christanto


    The area was jam packed so we thought it had been worth the wait. There have been no more chairs designed for us therefore the waiter informed us to move upstairs. I'd say, the food isn't that great and the provider was too gradual. Thewaiter looks sad that is very disappointing.

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  • Charlie Tan


    We asked our guideline where we're able to eat a fine lunch time, he drove us here. There is absolutely no designated parking region, we just park close to the roadside. The eating place appears like a kubo home according to its name nonetheless it is already previous and notproperly taken care of The area is quite dim and there is absolutely no employees that accommodates us upon getting into we just take a seat on where we prefer to end up being seated since you can find few tables occupied. We simply got the menu ourselves in fact it is very difficult to call the eye of the employees for us in order to order food. The majority of the food that people like on the menus aren't available, so we have been very disappointed. The assistance isn't that good. The meals is average. Also our guide seems dissatisfied with the area, seems its been quite a long time since he consume there.

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  • Wahyudi Supriyanto


    We made a decision to eat here as family members the moment we arrive we found ourselves the seat, the desk was still messy, 30 min in still no-one was going to to us zero waiter still gave an effort to provide us the menu i haveto obtain it myself... 45 min nevertheless no going to so we still left... TERRIBLE SERVICE WON'T RECOMMEND TO TOURIST...

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  • Patricia Christiani Untoro


    How I wish We read these testimonials before eating within Kubong Sawali. We had been searching for the grilled filipino foods. We finished up here. Their menus have the Combo 3, mainly are usually fried such as for example calamari, catfish, nilasing na hipon plus kilawing bangus whichI don't consume it. It goes furthermore with three sticks of pork bbq that is so bad to provide. It's already old they cooked couple of days before and they simply glazed it with bbq sauce. Too hard to consume! The calamari had been outdated like pre cooked times before and simply re-heated to function to us. Needless to say, TOO CHEWY AND Rough. The other meals we purchased garlic buttered shrimp and bicol communicate which are okay. Very costly for few bits of buttered shrimp and the bicol exhibit just a small part and the pork are usually chewy and all spareribs component. Mainly pork bone ribs. These shouldn't be offered to a restaurant. I am aware if this is just a "Karenderia" kind. The waiter is good fortune of knowledge with regards to menu and he could be lazy. Everything we questioned from the waiter they "DON'T POSSESS IT". It took such a long time to obtain our orders. It had taken time and energy to serve our foods. I purchased the leche flan, nonetheless it did not really come by the end. By enough time, I was having to pay our expenses, the leche program was contained in the costs and I must call their interest. It required for awhile another and when I compensated it, it took such a long time to provide the change. Therefore, we just visited the front and inquired the cashier for the modification. It got us three hrs here and mainly we were waiting around too much time. WASTE OF MONEY AND TIME! I'M GIVING THIS Eating place ZERO Superstar. THEY DON'T DESERVE Still JUST ONE STAR.

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Kubong Sawali Location

11 Military Cut-Off, Baguio, Luzon 2600 Philippines

Kubong Sawali is located at 11 Military Cut-Off, Baguio, Luzon 2600 Philippines. This is a Asia restaurant near the Baguio. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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