
Historic Camalig Restaurant


3 Reviews



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Historic Camalig Restaurant Reviews


3 Reviews

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  • Fleur Teng


    Restaurant you need to visit inside Angeles, with a reasonably big menus. Pizza, spaghetti, soup, rice, dessert. The pizzas are great, you need to try one!

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  • Nai-za Peranca


    Therefore we went here because we got drawn to unlimited pasta and pizza but it's just available during weekends. We purchased carbonara, poutine and their finest selling Amado pizza, appears could be deceiving because foods presentation looked great however the flavor is certainly...bland and the pizzais I have no idea if it's the bell pepper pizza. Anyway I believe it's just popular for guys going out and drinking beers, it isn't a really place for an excellent meal. The area sure is good though.

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  • Marian Barola


    Went for lunch final November and had to choose if we have to eat beyond your building, or inside of. We opted to remain inside, but discovered the inside warm. We weren't greeted. We'd to contact the waiters focus on serve us. It had taken awhile to obtain service and also longer to obtain our meals. We were offered desert prior to the main dinner. Questioned for a soda that was not really refrigerated at all, however they did supply me with cup and ice. Their halo-halo was disappointing as the ice had been clumped and difficult to bite on. I did so not reach finish it because of this. Their buko fruit juice though was the very best I actually tasted in my own entire life, but nonetheless insufficient to overshadow our targets. I also got little bit by a several mosquitoes while eating lunch time. The meals was just ok, however the traditional artifacts in the constructing were worth looking into and appreciated. Finally, there is no WiFi for this establishment. The waiters didn't have got the password, but provided us the e-mail of the dog owner. Why? He previously to e-mail us back to provide us the password. I'm not just a computer expert however the only cause why I really believe he is achieving this will be for him to learn who's eating in his cafe. I find that sort of creepy and imagining him examining us out with the dining places CCTV. Forgot to say that there has been a large team upstairs waiting to end up being served nonetheless it took so lengthy to obtain service that fifty percent the group made a decision to leave. That has been sad...

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Historic Camalig Restaurant Location

292 Dalan Sto Rosario, Angeles City, Luzon 2009 Philippines

Historic Camalig Restaurant is located at 292 Dalan Sto Rosario, Angeles City, Luzon 2009 Philippines. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Angeles City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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