
Gossip Restaurant and Bar


10 Reviews


₱ 400 / Person

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Gossip Restaurant and Bar Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Nora Hermansyah


    Located on walking street, you will see all the local figures while eating or consuming there. The staff is incredibly pleasant plus they keep me returning again and again.

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  • Tirta Premadi


    Like a few of the bars nearby you'll think that there exists a disco inside from the exterior set up. Nonetheless they just serve meals with good playing songs. The meals common and a little pricey that makes it one of the numerous of spotson Areas Avenue that you can people view. Will probably be worth trying only once.

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  • Fatih Khalfani


    Gossip was previously called Dave's Hangout. It really is still a great spot to do that! It really is near High Society disco therefore plenty of girls "go out" at Gossip before going to the disco. The area is like an open up bar soif you prefer people watching it is a great location to do that. They will have multiple large displays and play lots of funky music video clips to watch. Aside from the standard drinks it is possible to purchase a Sheeska or Hookah pipe to talk about with your friends. The meals is average to great and a little pricey. The waitresses are usually cute plus they sometimes aren't as attentive because they should be. The thing that switched me off just lately was that I purchased a small part salad. On my expenses which they positioned on the desk in a cup combined with the cost for my beer prior to the salad arrived I pointed out that the price was dual of what it demonstrated in the menus. I questioned the waitress about any of it and she explained they had a cost boost! Hello is this lawful? I informed her that I don't would like the little aspect salad at double the purchase price but she didn't desire to cancel the purchase. After informing her that I believe this is unlawful by charging me a lot more than what it pointed out on the menus and that you can easily put a sticker on the wrong cost she mentioned but sir the salad will be bigger now! I informed her OK take it and I'll see. Affirmed it did appear bigger therefore i did accept it. Besides that I attempted their calamari, fries and a poultry sandwich and I came across the flavor of the meals better than average. If you would like to view the Walking Street picture or simply talk to a few of the ladies going to the disco that is an ideal spot to do so. The area is open 24/7 if you loaf around long enough you might have their breakfast unique for just P149 which include toast, eggs, bacon or ham.

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  • Mikail Yusuf Bilen


    colorful,good food,great service, a good place to chill in case you are sick and tired of the bar,inexpensive beer and inexpensive food,and adorable waitress and great service,what more is it possible to ask?furthermore tge guard is fairly attentive to shoo aside beggars and vendors,great deal yeah? just sometimes as well fulland no space.

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  • Meltem Aydıner Yılmaz


    I drop by Gossip occasionally for a glass or two or breakfast. On a whim I attempted their steak tonight. Absolutely superb! Greatest slice of beef steak I've ever endured in the PI. To best it off the purchase price is correct and the service had been quick. I'llbe back.

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Gossip Restaurant and Bar Location

Fields Avenue Gps: 15.167343 120.588691, Angeles City, Luzon 2009 Philippines

Gossip Restaurant and Bar is located at Fields Avenue Gps: 15.167343 120.588691, Angeles City, Luzon 2009 Philippines. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Angeles City. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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